
Enumeration and Growth Functions for Uniform Tilings of the Hyperbolic Plane

Giovana Higinio de Souza1, Eduardo Brandani da Silva2
1Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciêencia e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso Rodovia MT 208, s/n – Lote 143-A, Loteamento Aquarela – Hamoa, Caixa Postal 148 Alta Floresta – MT CEP 78580-000 Brazil
2Maringa State University – Dpartment of Mathematics Av. Colombo 5790 Maringa – PR CEP 87020-900 Brazil


The geometrical properties of a plane determine the tilings that can be built on it. Because of the negative curvature of the hyperbolic plane, we may find several types of groups of symmetries in patterns built on such a surface, which implies the existence of an infinitude of possible tiling families. Using generating functions, we count the vertices of a uniform tiling from any fixed vertex. We count vertices for all families of valence \(5\) and for general vertices with valence \(6\), with even-sized faces. We also give some general results about the behavior of the vertices and edges of the tilings under consideration.

Keywords: Enumeration, Uniform tiling, Hyperbolic semi-regular tessellation, Growth series, Surface group