Lattice Paths, Reflections, & Dimension-Changing Bijections

Richard K. Guy1, C. KRATTENTHALER2, Bruce E. Sagan3
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics The University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2T2N 1N4 Institut fiir Mathematik der Universitat Wien, Strudlhofgasse 4 A-1090 Wien, Austria
3Department of Mathematics Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA


We enumerate various families of planar lattice paths consisting of unit steps in directions \( {N}\), \({S}\), \({E}\), or \({W}\), which do not cross the \(x\)-axis or both \(x\)- and \(y\)-axes. The proofs are purely combinatorial throughout, using either reflections or bijections between these \({NSEW}\)-paths and linear \({NS}\)-paths. We also consider other dimension-changing bijections.