Obstruction Sets for Outer-Projective-Planar Graphs

Dan Archdeacon1, Nora Hartsfield2, C.H.C. Little3, Bojan Mohar4
1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Vermont Burlington, VT, USA 05401-1455
2 Department of Mathematics Western Washington University Bellingham, WA, USA 98225
3Department of Mathematics and Statistics Massey University Palmerston North, New Zealand
4 Department of Mathematics University of Ljubljana Slovenia


A graph \(G\) is outer-projective-planar if it can be embedded in the projective plane so that every vertex appears on the boundary of a single face. We exhibit obstruction sets for outer-projective-planar graphs with respect to the subdivision, minor, and \(Y\Delta\) orderings. Equivalently, we find the minimal non-outer-projective-planar graphs under these orderings.