Independent Sums of Arithmetic Progressions in \(K_m\)-free Graphs

Neil Hindman1, Dona Strauss2
1Department of Mathematics Howard University Washington, DC 20059 USA
2Department of Pure Mathematics University of Hull Hull HU67RX UK


We establish that for any \(m \in \mathbb{N}\) and any \(K_m\)-free graph \(G\) on \(\mathbb{N}\), there exist large additive and multiplicative structures that are independent with respect to \(G\). In particular, there exists for each \(l \in \mathbb{N}\) an arithmetic progression \(A_l\) of length \(l\) with increment chosen from the finite sums of a prespecified sequence \(\langle t_{l,n}\rangle _{n=1}^{\infty}\), such that \(\bigcup_{i=1 }^\infty A_l\) is an independent set. Moreover, if \(F\) and \(H\) are disjoint finite subsets of \(\mathbb{N}\), and for each \(t \in F \cup H\), \(a_t \in A_l\), then \(\{\Sigma_{t \in F}a_t\Sigma_{t \in H} a_t\}\) is not an edge of \(G\). If \(G\) is \(K_{m,m}\)-free, one may drop the disjointness assumption on the sets \(F\) and \(H\). Analogous results are valid for geometric progressions.