Extremal Wiener-Hosoya Index Of Acyclic Graphs With Short Diameter

Shubo Chen1, Junfeng Li1, Ren Lin1, Hong Guo1
1College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hunan City University, Yiyang, Hunan 413000, P. R. China


The Wiener-Hosoya index was firstly introduced by M. Randié¢ in \(2004\). For any tree \(T\), the Wiener-Hosoya index is defined as

\[WH(T)= \sum\limits_{e\in E(T)} (h(e) + h[e])\]

where \(e = uv\) is an arbitrary edge of \(T\), and \(h(e)\) is the product of the numbers of the vertices in each component of \(T – e\), and \(h[e]\) is the product of the numbers of the vertices in each component of \(T- \{u,v\}\). We shall investigate the Wiener-Hosoya index of trees with diameter not larger than \(4\), and characterize the extremal graphs in this paper.