In this paper, we analyze the stochastic properties of some large size (area) polyominoes’ perimeter such that the directed column-convex polyomino, the columnconvex polyomino, the directed diagonally-convex polyomino, the staircase (or parallelogram) polyomino, the escalier polyomino, the wall (orbargraph) polyomino. All polyominoes considered here are made of contiguous, not-empty columns, without holes, such that each column must be adjacent to some cell of the previous column. We compute the asymptotic (for large size n) Gaussian distribution of the perimeter, including the corresponding Markov property of the chain of columns, and the convergence to classical Brownian motions of the perimeter seen as a trajectory according to the successive columns. All polyominoes of size n are considered as equiprobable.
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.