With the rapid development of social networks, the powerful interactive function of social networks and the high degree of user participation make the information generated in large quantities and spread rapidly, which also provides a dissemination path for the mass dissemination of Marxism. The article analyzes the overall structure of complex social networks and node centrality indexes for the overall topological characteristics of the networks, in order to further analyze the information dissemination characteristics of social networks for the mass dissemination of Marxism. Subsequently, a social network information dissemination model based on SIR is established according to the specific structural characteristics and dissemination modes of the social network, and the experimental test of the information dissemination effect is carried out. Finally, a Marxist mass communication strategy is proposed based on the experimental results. In the experiments on the effect spreading of node information, the nodes numbered 4, 12, and 20 have the strongest information spreading effect, with the number of nodes infected exceeding 30, and the corresponding number of interaction activities are 575, 511, and 663.This suggests that individuals within the aggregated group can build trust with the group members by participating in frequent interactions to improve the effect of information spreading. The development and dissemination of Marxist mass social networks cannot be separated from a series of measures such as a sound social network regulatory system.
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.