Design of a neural network-based automated style migration technique in digital media art


The continuous development of neural network makes the automated style migration technology also rise to a new height. This paper selects digital media art as the research field, constructs Cycle GAN, a cyclic consistent generative adversarial network structure applied to digital media art, on the basic framework of GAN, and optimizes it by adding bilinear interpolation and attention mechanism, so as to build up a style migration model for digital media art. In the style migration simulation experiment, the IS test values of this paper’s model on the photo2vangogh and photo2monet datasets are 5.32 and 6.03, and the FID test values are 97.52 and 75.55, which are better than the other comparative models. Similarly, the optimized performance of FID, SSIM and PSNR values on the dataset is also better than other comparative models, and the style migration performance of the model is verified. Using the model of this paper to design a digital topography with Chinese traditional ink painting as the content, we explore the correlation between the design attributes of the style migration design works in digital media art and the audience’s cognitive evaluation and overall perception. Among the design attributes, “plot relevance” (4.375) and “atmosphere rendering” (3.38) have the highest T-value, which is the most important influence on audience perception.

Keywords: Generative Adversarial Networks; Bilinear Interpolation; Attention Mechanism; Style Migration; Digital Media Art