Research and development of VSC power disturbance generator


In order to provide various disturbance voltage waveforms for the test of power quality event detection and compensation device, it is necessary to develop a device that can simulate power grid faults. VSC power disturbances generator (VSC-IG, Interruption Generator based on Voltage Source Converter) is the importance of theoretical study and compensation device of power quality test tools, the flexibility to produce all kinds of disturbance voltage waveform, And reduce the harmonic pollution to the power grid. In this paper, the power injected by AC power supply into VSC-IG is controlled to stabilize the DC voltage, and a PI controller parameter tuning method considering the change of resistance parameters is proposed to optimize the dynamic performance of the controller. The SPWM rule sampling method is adopted as the underlying control strategy to realize the generation of disturbance voltage waveform. PSCAD/EMTDC platform is used to build the VSC-IG simulation model and carry out the simulation research. The VSC-IG device is designed and implemented by using the physical prototype hardware platform of 30kVA back-to-back converter in dynamic modeling laboratory. The experiment verifies the main circuit structure and control strategy of VSC-IG in this paper, and also verifies the function of digital controller, which lays a foundation for further research on power quality.

Keywords: voltage converter; Disturbance generator; Feedback linearization; Power control; Regular sampling