Commercial password modification for face recognition systems using quantum key distribution networks


Information security is the most concerned issue in modern communication, with the continuous development of new computing technologies, classical cryptography has been difficult to effectively guarantee information security, quantum key distribution technology through the theory of quantum mechanics to ensure the absolute security of key distribution. Therefore face recognition system oriented optimization using quantum key distribution, this paper is based on the advantages of OQKD technology such as easy to implement, low overhead, high security, optimization for commercial privacy queries in the system. On the basis of the quantum key distribution regional network of trust relay, a new type of quantum key distribution experimental network structure based on switching nodes which is more flexible, energy-saving and efficient is proposed. Finally, the method of this paper is comprehensively verified through modeling simulation, and the simulation results show that the average call loss is 3.67% when the quantum key generation rate is increased to 20Kbps, which is significantly reduced. Moreover, the network call loss can be reduced to less than 11% when the method of this paper is adopted in the same situation, and the network call loss is even smaller. It shows that the call loss of the network will be greatly reduced when the key generation rate is increased with a fixed amount of voice traffic.

Keywords: quantum key distribution network; switching node; OQKD; trust disruption; cryptographic security