Arithmetic Properties for a Certain Family of Knot Diagrams

Darrin D.Frey1, James A.Sellers2
1Department of Science and Math Cedarville University Cedarville, OH 45314
2Department of Mathematics The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802


In this note, we consider arithmetic properties of the function


which counts the number of two-legged knot diagrams with one self-intersection and \(n-1\) tangencies. This function recently arose in a paper by Jacobsen and Zinn-Justin on the enumeration of knots via a transfer matrix approach. Using elementary number theoretic techniques, we prove various results concerning \(K(n)\), including the following:

  1. \(K(n)\) is never odd,
  2. \(K(n)\) is never a quadratic residue modulo \(3\), and
  3. \(K(n)\) is never a quadratic residue modulo \(5\).