Assigning Bookmarks in Perfect Binary Trees

Jurek Czyzowicz1,2, Evangelos Kranakis3,2,4, Danny Krizanc5, Andrzej Pelc1,2, Miguel Vargas Martin6,7
1Département d’Informatique, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
2Research supported in part by NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada} grant.
3School of Computer Science, Carleton University.
4Research supported in part by MITACS (Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems) NCE (Networks of Centres of Excellence) grant.
5Department of Mathematics, Wesleyan University.
6Research supported in part by CONACYT (Science and Technology Council of Mex- ico) grant.
7University of Ontario Institute of Technology.


Consider a tree \(T = (V, E)\) with root \(r \in V\) and \(|V| = N\). Let \(p_v\) be the probability that a user wants to access node \(v\). A bookmark is an additional link from \(r\) to any other node of \(T\). We want to add \(k\) bookmarks to \(T\), so as to minimize the expected access cost from \(r\), measured by the average length of the shortest path. We present a characterization of an optimal assignment of \(k\) bookmarks in a perfect binary tree with uniform probability distribution of access and \(k \leq \sqrt{N + 1}\).