On the Non-Existence of a Maximal Partial Spread of Size \(76\) in \(PG(3, 9)\)

O. Heden1, S. Marcugini2, F. Pambianco2, L. Storme3
1Department of Mathematics, KTH, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
2Dipartimento di Matematica e Informat- ica, Universita di Perugia, Via Vanvitelli, 1, 106123 Perugia, Italy.
3Ghent University, Department of Pure Mathematics and Com- puter Algebra, Krijgslaan 281 – S22, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.


We prove the non-existence of maximal partial spreads of size \(76\) in \(\text{PG}(3,9)\). Relying on the classification of the minimal blocking sets of size 15 in \(\text{PG}(2,9)\) \([22]\), we show that there are only two possibilities for the set of holes of such a maximal partial spread. The weight argument of Blokhuis and Metsch \([3]\) then shows that these sets cannot be the set of holes of a maximal partial spread of size \(76\). In \([17]\), the non-existence of maximal partial spreads of size \(75\) in \(\text{PG}(3,9)\) is proven. This altogether proves that the largest maximal partial spreads, different from a spread, in \(\text{PG}(3,q = 9)\) have size \(q^2 – q + 2 = 74\).