Minimal Covers of Maximal Cliques for Interval Graphs

Alain C.Vandal1, Marston D.E.Conder2, Robert Gentleman3
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University Centre for Clinical Epidemiology & Community Studies SMBD-Jewish General Hospital, Montréal
2Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland
3Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center


We address the problem of determining all sets which form minimal covers of maximal cliques for interval graphs. We produce an algorithm enumerating all minimal covers using the C-minimal elements of the interval order, as well as an independence Metropolis sampler. We characterize maximal removable sets, which are the complements of minimal covers, and produce a distinct algorithm to enumerate them. We use this last characterization to provide bounds on the maximum number of minimal covers for an interval order with a given number of maximal cliques, and present some simulation results on the number of minimal covers in different settings.