Degree And Connectivity Conditions For IM-Extendibility and Vertex-Deletable IM-Extendibility

Xiaoyan Zhang1, Zan-Bo Zhang2, Xiaoxu Lu3, Jing Li4
1School of Mathematical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210049, China
2Department of Computer Engineering, Guangdong Industry Technical College, Guangzhou, 510300, China
3Department of Mathematics and Physics, Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, Zhengzhou 450015, China
4Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College, Zhengzhou 450052, China


A graph is called induced matching extendable, if every induced matching of it is contained in a perfect matching of it. A graph \(G\) is called \(2k\)-vertex deletable induced matching extendable, if \(G — S\) is induced matching extendable for every \(S \subset V(G)\) with \(|S| = 2k\). The following results are proved in this paper. (1) If \(\kappa(G) \geq \lceil \frac{v(G)}{3} \rceil +1\) and \(\max\{d(u), d(v)\} \geq \frac{2v(G)+1}{3}\) for every two nonadjacent vertices \(u\) and \(v\), then \(G\) is induced matching extendable. (2) If \(\kappa(G) \geq \lceil \frac{v(G)+4k}{3}\rceil\) and \(\max\{d(u), d(v)\} \geq \lceil \frac{2v(G)+2k}{3} \rceil\) for every two nonadjacent vertices \(u\) and \(v\), then \(G\) is \(2k\)-vertex deletable induced matching extendable. (3) If \(d(u) + d(v) \geq 2\lceil\frac{2v(G)+2k}{3} \rceil – 1\) for every two nonadjacent vertices \(u\) and \(v\), then \(G\) is \(2k\)-vertex deletable IM-extendable. Examples are given to show the tightness of all the conditions.