On Existence of \([a, b]\)-Factors Avoiding Given Subgraphs

Yinghong Ma1,2, Qinglin Yu1,3
1Center for Combinatorics, LPMC, Nankai University Tianjing, China
2School of Management Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China
3Department of Mathematics and Statistics Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC, Canada


For a graph \(G = (V(G), E(G))\), let \(i(G)\) be the number of isolated vertices in \(G\). The isolated toughness of \(G\) is defined as
\(I(G) = \min\left\{\frac{|S|}{i(G-S)}: S \subseteq V(G), i(G-S) \geq 2\right\}\) if \(G\) is not complete; \(I(G) = |V(G)|-1\) otherwise. In this paper, several sufficient conditions in terms of isolated toughness are obtained for the existence of \([a, b]\)-factors avoiding given subgraphs, e.g., a set of vertices, a set of edges and a matching, respectively.