Almost Every Complement of a Tadpole Graph is Not Chromatically Unique

J.P. Wang1,2, Q.X. Huang2, K.L. Teo3, F. Belardo4, R.Y. Liu1, C.F. Ye1
1Department of Mathematics and Information Science, Qinghai Normal University, Xining, Qinghai 810008, P.R. China
2College of Mathematics and System Science, Xinjiang University, Urumai, Xinjiang 830046, P.R. China
3Inst. of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
4Department of Mathematics, University of Messina, Italy


The study of chromatically unique graphs has been drawing much attention and many results are surveyed in \([4, 12, 13]\). The notion of adjoint polynomials of graphs was first introduced and applied to the study of the chromaticity of the complements of the graphs by Liu \([17]\) (see also \([4]\)). Two invariants for adjoint equivalent graphs that have been employed successfully to determine chromatic unique graphs were introduced by Liu \([17]\) and Dong et al. \([4]\) respectively. In the paper, we shall utilize, among other things, these two invariants to investigate the chromaticity of the complement of the tadpole graphs \(C_n(P_m)\), the graph obtained from a path \(P_m\) and a cycle \(C_n\) by identifying a pendant vertex of the path with a vertex of the cycle. Let \(\bar{G}\) stand for the complement of a graph \(G\). We prove the following results:

1. The graph \(\overline{{{C}_{n-1}(P_2)}}\) is chromatically unique if and only if \(n \neq 5, 7\).
2. Almost every \(\overline{{C_n(P_m)}}\) is not chromatically unique, where \(n \geq 4\) and \(m \geq 2\).