Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy for Combinatorial Press in 2024 and 2025

Copyright and Licensing

For articles published in Combinatorial Press journals in 2024 and 2025, authors retain the copyright to their work. These articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, allowing anyone to download and read the paper for free. Furthermore, the article may be reused and quoted, provided that the original published version is cited. This licensing approach maximizes the utilization and exposure of the work while ensuring proper credit to the authors.

Exceptions to this licensing arrangement may be made in rare cases. If authors have specific conditions, such as those linked to funding, that preclude the use of this license, they should inform the journal’s editorial office upon submission. Exceptions will be granted at the discretion of the publisher.

Reproducing Published Material from Other Publishers

Authors must obtain permission to reproduce any published material, such as figures, schemes, tables, or text excerpts, that are not in the public domain or for which they do not hold the copyright. Permission should be sought from the copyright holder, typically the Publisher (please refer to the imprint of individual publications to identify the copyright holder).

Permission is required for

  • Reproducing authors’ own works published by other publishers for which they did not retain copyright.
  • Using substantial extracts from anyone’s works or a series of works.
  • Using tables, graphs, charts, schemes, and artworks if they are unaltered or slightly modified.
  • Using photographs for which authors do not hold the copyright.

Permission is not required for

  • Reconstructing authors’ own tables with data already published elsewhere. In such cases, the source of the data must be cited.
  • Including reasonably short quotes, which are considered fair use and do not require permission.
  • Using graphs, charts, schemes, and artworks that are completely redrawn by the authors and significantly changed beyond recognition.

Obtaining Permission

Authors should initiate the process of obtaining permissions as early as possible to avoid delays in publication. If there is any doubt about copyright, authors should seek permission. Combinatorial Press cannot publish material from other publications without proper permission.

The copyright holder may provide instructions on the form of acknowledgment to be followed. Otherwise, authors should use the following style: “Reproduced with permission from [author], [book/journal title], published by [publisher], [year],” at the end of the caption of the Table, Figure, or Scheme.