A Conjecture of Erdés the Ramsey Number \(r(W_6)\)

Ralph J. Faudree1, Brendan D. McKay2
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Memphi State University Memphis, Tennessee, USA
2Computer Science Department Australian National University Canberra, ACT, Australia


It was conjectured by Paul Erdős that if \(G\) is a graph with chromatic number at least \(k\), then the diagonal Ramsey number \(r(G) \geq r(K_k)\). That is, the complete graph \(K_k\) has the smallest diagonal Ramsey number among the graphs of chromatic number \(k\). This conjecture is shown to be false for \(k = 4\) by verifying that \(r(W_6) = 17\), where \(W_6\) is the wheel with \(6\) vertices, since it is well known that \(r(K_4) = 18\). Computational techniques are used to determine \(r(W_6)\) as well as the Ramsey numbers for other pairs of small order wheels.