The Lehmer Matrix and its Recursive Analogue

Emrau Kiic1, Pantelimon Stanica2
1TOBB Economics and Technology University, Mathematics Department 06560 Sogutozu, Ankara
2Naval Postgraduate School, Department of Applied Mathematics 833 Dyer Rd., Monterey, CA 93943


This paper considers the Lehmer matrix and its recursive analogue. The determinant of the Lehmer matrix is derived explicitly by both its LU and Cholesky factorizations. We further define a generalized Lehmer matrix with \((i,j)\) entries \( g_{ij} = \frac{\text{min} \{u_{i+1}, u_{j+1}\}}{\text{max} \{u_{i+1}, u_{j+1}\}} \) where \( u_n \) is the \( n \)th term of a binary sequence \(\{u_n\}\). We derive both the LU and Cholesky factorizations of this analogous matrix and we precisely compute the determinant.