A “Travelling Salesman’s Paths” within n\(\times\)n (n= 3, 4, 5) magic squares

Peyman Fahimi1, Walter Trump2, Chérif F. Matta3, Alireza Ahmadi Baneh4
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H4R2, Canada
2Department of Physics, Gymnasium Stein, 90547 Stein, Germany
3Department of Chemistry and Physics, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS B3M2J6, Canada
4Department of Applied Mathematics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Intriguing symmetries are uncovered regarding all magic squares of orders 3, 4, and 5, with 1, 880, and 275,305,224 distinct configurations, respectively. In analogy with the travelling salesman problem, the distributions of the total topological distances of the paths travelled by passing through all the vertices (matrix elements) only once and spanning all elements of the matrix are analyzed. Symmetries are found to characterise the distributions of the total topological distances in these instances. These results raise open questions about the symmetries found in higher-order magic squares and the formulation of their minimum and maximum total path lengths.

Keywords: magic squares, combinatorial symmetry, topological distances, travelling salesman analogy