This paper analyzes the development trend of Adobe After Effects-based movie special effects technology, including accelerated GPU research, integration and enhancement of 3D special effects production functions, cross-platform and cross-software collaboration, as well as the impact on the way special effects artists create. In terms of GPU research, the acceleration performance of different GPUs in movie simulation in China and abroad is compared, and the 3D effects production function involves the creation of 3D models, movie settings, rendering standardization, as well as the rendering output and the addition of special effects. Cross-platform and cross-software collaboration focuses on the cross-platform nature of AE, designing a tagged text file format and a movie playback engine based on the Cocos2d-JS game engine, and dividing the file system module. The analysis shows that the waiting time for movie rendering under this paper’s model is 1s and 2s, and the end-of-task ratio is 0.02, which are the lowest in both sets of experiments. The highest mean values for the 10 simulations of GPU utilization are 72.42% and 72.83%, respectively. It can be seen that the CPU acceleration model based on Adobe After Effect in this paper can effectively reduce the waiting time for movie rendering and improve the processing speed and stability of movie special effects.
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.