Elementary proof of congruences involving trinomial coefficients for babbage and morley

Laid Elkhiri1, Miloud Mihoubi2
1Tiaret University, Faculty of Material Sciences, RECITS Laboratory, Algeria
2Faculty of Mathematics, RECITS Laboratory, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria


The aim of this work is to establish congruences \( \pmod{p^2} \) involving the trinomial coefficients \( \binom{np-1}{p-1}_2 \) and \( \binom{np-1}{(p-1)/2}_2 \) arising from the expansion of the powers of the polynomial \( 1 + x + x^2 \). In main results, we extend some known congruences involving the binomial coefficients \( \binom{np-1}{p-1} \) and \( \binom{np-1}{(p-1)/2} \), and establish congruences linking binomial coefficients and harmonic numbers.

Keywords: Binomial coefficients, trinomial coefficients, harmonic numbers, congruences.