Open Access Policy

In 2024 and 2025, all articles published by the journals of Combinatorial Press will be freely available worldwide under an open access license. This means that:

  • Anyone can access and read the full-text of all articles published in Combinatorial Press journals for free, without any restrictions.
  • Individuals are allowed to reuse the published material, including figures and tables, as long as proper accreditation/citation of the original publication is provided.


No special permission is needed to reuse any part of an article published by Combinatorial Press. For articles published under the open access Creative Commons CC BY license 4.0, any portion of the article can be reused without permission, as long as the original article is cited correctly. It’s important to note that reusing an article does not imply endorsement by the authors or Combinatorial Press.

Understanding Open Access

Combinatorial Press follows the principles of open access as defined by major declarations in scientific literature, such as the Budapest, Berlin, and Bethesda declarations. This means that:

  • Peer-reviewed literature is freely available to everyone without any subscription fees.
  • Published articles are immediately accessible in open access format without any embargo period.
  • Material published by Combinatorial Press can be reused without seeking permission, provided that proper citation to the original publication is included.

All articles published in Combinatorial Press journals, along with accompanying data, graphics, and supplements, can be freely linked from external sources, scanned by search engines, and reused by text mining applications, websites, blogs, etc., as long as the original source and publisher are properly credited.

Important Note

Some articles, particularly Reviews, may contain figures, tables, or text sourced from other publications, for which Combinatorial Press does not hold the copyright. It’s recommended to inquire with the original copyright holder, usually the original publisher or authors, regarding the reuse of such material.

Advantages of Open Access for Authors

Open access articles published by Combinatorial Press enjoy high availability and visibility, as they are freely accessible over the Internet. Authors benefit from increased visibility and accessibility of their work, as other researchers can access and download their articles without any subscription or pay-per-view charges. Open access publications are also more likely to be indexed by search engines and included in indexing databases, leading to increased citation rates.

External Open Access Resources

For those new to the concept of open access, the following websites and resources may be helpful:

Wikipedia article on Open Access

Open Access Network