
Decomposition of the \(\lambda\)-Fold Complete Equipartite Graph into Unicyclic Graphs of Order Five

T. Sivakaran1
1Department of Mathematics, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Sai Leo Nagar, West Tambaram 600 044, India


For a graph \( G \) and a subgraph \( H \) of a graph \( G \), an \( H \)-decomposition of the graph \( G \) is a partition of the edge set of \( G \) into subsets \( E_i \), \( 1 \leq i \leq k \), such that each \( E_i \) induces a graph isomorphic to \( H \). In this paper, it is proved that every simple connected unicyclic graph of order five decomposes the \( \lambda \)-fold complete equipartite graph whenever the necessary conditions are satisfied. This generalizes a result of Huang, *Utilitas Math.* 97 (2015), 109–117.

Keywords: Decomposition, \(\lambda\)-fold equipartite graph