
The Monophonic-triangular Number of a Graph

G.Princeton Lazarus1, K. Selvakumar2, P. Titus2
1Department of Science and Humanities, St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Thoothukudi 628 102, India
2Department of Science and Humanities, University College of Engineering Nagercoil, Anna University: Tirunelveli Region, Nagercoil – 629 004, India


A path \(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n\) in a connected graph \( G \) that has no edge \( x_i x_j \) \((j \geq i+3)\) is called a \textit{monophonic-triangular path} or \textit{mt}-path. A non-empty subset \( M \) of \( V(G) \) is a \textit{monophonic-triangular set} or \textit{mt-set} of \( G \) if every member in \( V(G) \) exists in a \textit{mt}-path joining some pair of members in \( M \). The \textit{monophonic-triangular number} or \textit{mt-number} is the lowest cardinality of an \textit{mt}-set of \( G \) and it is symbolized by \( mt(G) \). The general properties satisfied by \textit{mt}-sets are discussed. Also, we establish \( mt \)-number boundaries and discover similar results for a few common graphs. Graphs \( G \) of order \( p \) with \( mt(G) = p \), \( p – 1 \), or \( p – 2 \) are characterized.

Keywords: Monophonic path, Monophonic-triangular path, Monophonic-triangular set, Monophonic-triangular number