On Super Edge-Magic Labelings of Unions of Star Graphs

Jeffrey L. Poet1, Victor Onkoba2
1Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics Missouri Western State College, St. Joseph, Missouri 64507
2MWSC student research assistant Dustin Daffron, Heather Goforth, and Chris Thomas High school student research assistants (St. Joseph, MO)


Let \( G = (V,E) \) be a graph with \( |V| = p \) and \( |E| = q \). The graph \( G \) is total edge-magic if there exists a bijection \( f : V \cup E \to \{1,2,\ldots,p+q\} \) such that for all \( e = (u,v) \in E \), \( f(u) + f(e) + f(v) \) is constant throughout the graph. A total edge-magic graph is called super edge-magic if \( f(V) = \{1,2,\ldots,p\} \). Lee and Kong conjectured that for any odd positive integer \( r \), the union of any \( r \) star graphs is super edge-magic. In this paper, we supply substantial new evidence to support this conjecture for the case \( r = 3 \).