Let \(G\) be a \(p\)-vertex graph which is rooted at \(x\). Informally, the rotation number \(h(G, x)\) is the smallest number of edges in a \(p\)-vertex graph \(F\) such that, for every vertex \(y\) of \(F\), there is a copy of \(G\) in \(F\) with \(x\) at \(y\). In this article, we consider rotation numbers for the generalized star graph consisting of \(k\) paths of length \(n\), all of which have a common endvertex, rooted at a vertex adjacent to the centre. In particular, if \(k = 3\) we determine the rotation numbers to within \(1, 2\) or \(3\) depending on the residue of \(n\) modulo \(6\).
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.