Irredundance in the Queen’s Graph

E.J. Cockayne1
1University of Victoria Victoria, B.C. Canada


The vertices of the queen’s graph \(Q_n\) are the squares of an \(n \times n\) chessboard and two squares are adjacent if a queen placed on one covers the other. Informally, a set \(I\) of queens on the board is irredundant if each queen in \(I\) covers a square (perhaps its own) which is not covered by any other queen in \(I\). It is shown that the cardinality of any irredundant set of vertices of \(Q_n\) is at most \(\left\lfloor {6n+6-8}\sqrt{n+3} \right\rfloor\) for \(n \geq 6\). We also show that the bound is not exact since \(\mathrm{IR}(Q_8) \leq 23\).