The Spectrum of PBD \(({5, k*}, v)\) for \(k=9, 13\)

A.M. Hamel1, W.H. Mills2, R.C. Mullin3, Rolf Rees4, D.R. Stinson 5, Jianxing Yin6
1 Dept. of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1i
2Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J. 08540
3 Dept. of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1
4 Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland
5University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
6Dept. of Math, Univ. of Suzhou, Suzhou, 215006, P.R. of China


A pairwise balanced design (PBD) of index \(I\) is a pair \((V,{A})\) where \(V\) is a finite set of points and \(A\) is a set of subsets (called blocks) of \(V\), each of cardinality at least two, such that every pair of distinct points of \(V\) is contained in exactly one block of \(A\). We may further restrict this definition to allow precisely one block of a given size, and in this case the design is called a PBD \((\{K, k^*\},v)\) where \(k\) is the unique block size, \(K\) is the set of other allowable block sizes, and \(v\) is the number of points in the design.

It is shown here that a PBD \((\{5, 9^*\},v)\) exists for all \(v \equiv 9\) or 17 mod 20, \(v \geq 37\), with the possible exception of \(49\), and that a PBD \((\{5, 13^*\},v)\) exists for all \(v \equiv 13 \mod 20\), \(v \geq 53\).