The s-bipartite Ramsey numbers involving \(K_{2,3}\) and \(K_{3,3}\)

Chang Wan1, Shitao Li2, Fei Deng3
1Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology, Guangzhou 510640,
2Shenzhen Tourism College of Jinan University, Shenzhen 518053, China
3Colleage of Information Science and lechnology, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China


A complete bipartite graph with the number of two partitions s and t is denoted by \(K{s,t}\). For a positive integer s and two bipartite graphs G and H, the s-bipartite Ramsey number \(BR_s (G, H)\) of G and H is the smallest integer t such that every 2-coloring of the edges of \(K_{s,t}\) contains the a copy of G with the first color or a copy of H with the second color. In this paper, by using an integer linear program and the solver Gurobi Optimizer 8.0, we determine all the exact values of \(BR_s (K_{2,3}, K_{3,3})\) for all possible \(s\). More precisely, we show that \(BR_s (K_{2,3}, K_{3,3})=13\) for \(s\) \(\in\) {8,9}, \(BR_s (K_{2,3}, K_{3,3})=12\) for \(s \in \{10,11\}\), \(BR_s (K_{2,3}, K_{3,3})=10\) for \(s = 12\), \(BR_s (K_{2,3}, K_{3,3})=8\) for \(s \in \{13,14\}\), \(BR_s (K_{2,3}, K_{3,3})=6\) for \(s \in \{15,16,…, 20\}\), and \(BR_s (K_{2,3}, K_{3,3})=4\) for s ≥ 21. This extends the results presented in [Zhenming Bi, Drake Olejniczak and Ping Zhang, “The s-Bipartite Ramsey Numbers of Graphs \(K_{2,3}\) and \(K_{3,3}\)” , Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 106, (2018) 257-272].