Domination Graphs of Tournaments with Isolated Vertices

David C.Fisher1, J.Richard Lundgren1, David R.Guichard2, Sarah K.Merz3, K.Brooks Reid4
1The University of Colorado at Denver
2Whitman College
3The University of the Pacific
4California State University, San Marcos


The domination graph \(dom(D)\) of a digraph \(D\) has the same vertex set as \(D\), and \(\{u,v\}\) is an edge if and only if for every \(w\), either \((u,w)\) or \((v,w)\) is an arc of \(D\). In earlier work we have shown that if \(G\) is a domination graph of a tournament, then \(G\) is either a forest of caterpillars or an odd cycle with additional pendant vertices or isolated vertices. We have also earlier characterized those connected graphs and forests of non-trivial caterpillars that are domination graphs of tournaments. We complete the characterization of domination graphs of tournaments by describing domination graphs with isolated vertices.