Bounds for Partial List Colourings

R. Haas1, D. Hanson2, G. MacGillivray3
1Department of Mathematics, Smith College Northampton MA 01063
2Department of Mathematics & Statistics University of Regina, Regina SK, Canada S4S 0A2
3Department of Mathematics & Statistics University of Victoria P.O. Box3045 STN CSC Victoria BC, Canada V8W 3P4


Let \(G\) be a simple graph on \(n\) vertices with list chromatic number \(\chi_\ell = s\). If each vertex of \(G\) is assigned a list of \(t\) colours, Albertson, Grossman, and Haas [1] asked how many of the vertices, \(\lambda_{t,s}\), are necessarily colourable from these lists? They conjectured that \(\lambda_{t,s} \geq \frac{tn}{s}\). Their work was extended by Chappell [2]. We improve the known lower bounds for \(\lambda_{t,s}\).