A Note on Graphs Without \(k\)-Connected Subgraphs

Raphael Yuster1
1Department of Mathematics University of Haifa at Oranim Tivon 36006, Israel.


Given integers \(k \geq 2\) and \(n \geq k\), let \(e(n, k)\) denote the maximum possible number of edges in an \(m\)-vertex graph which has no \(k\)-connected subgraph. It is immediate that \(e(n, 2) = n – 1\). Mader [2] conjectured that for every \(k \leq 2\), if \(n\) is sufficiently large then \(c(n, k) \leq (1.5k-2)(n – k + 1),\) where equality holds whenever \(k – 1\) divides \(n\). In this note we prove that when \(n\) is sufficiently large then \(e(n, k) \leq \frac{193}{120}(k – 1)(n – k + 1) < 1.61(k – 1)(n – k + 1),\) thereby coming rather close to the conjectured bound.