A Ramsey Goodness Result for Graphs with Many Pendant Edges

Yusheng Li 1, Cecil C.Rousseau1
1Department of Mathematical Sciences The University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee 38152


Burr has shown that if \(G\) is any graph without isolates and \(H_0\) is any connected graph, every graph \(H\) obtained from \(H_0\) by subdividing a chosen edge sufficiently many times to create a long suspended path satisfies \(r(G, H) = (x(G) – 1)(|V(H)| – 1) + s(G)\), where \(s(G)\) is the largest number such that in every proper coloring of \(V(G)\) using \(\chi(G)\) colors, every color class has at least \(s(G)\) elements. In this paper, we prove a companion result for graphs obtained from \(H_0\) by adding sufficiently many pendant edges.