An Introduction to Maximum Sum Permutations of Graphs

Peter J.Slater1, Steven J.Winters2
1Mathematical Sciences Department University of Alabama in Huntsville Huntsville, Alabama USA 35899
2Mathematics Department University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Oshkosh, Wisconsin USA 54901


This paper introduces the problem of finding a permutation \(\phi\) on the vertex set \(V(G)\) of a graph \(G\) such that the sum of the distances from each vertex to its image under \(\phi\) is maximized. We let \(\mathcal{S}(G) = \max \sum_{v\in V(G)} d(v, \phi(v))\), where the maximum is taken over all permutations \(\phi\) of \(V(G)\). Explicit formulae for several classes of graphs as well as general bounds are presented.