Multistar Decomposition of Complete Multigraphs

Hung-Chih Lee1, Jeng-Jong Lin2, Chiang Lin3, Tay-Woei Shyu4
1Department of Information Management
2Department of Finance Ling Tung College Taichung, Taiwan 408, R.O.C.
3Department of Mathematics National Central University Chung-Li, Taiwan 320, R.O.C.
4Department of Banking and Finance Kai Nan University Lu-Chu, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan 338, R.O.C.


In this paper, we consider the problem of decomposing complete multigraphs into multistars (a multistar is a star with multiple edges allowed). We obtain a criterion for the decomposition of the complete multigraph \(\lambda K_n\), into multistars with prescribed number of edges, but the multistars in the decomposition with the same number of edges are not necessarily isomorphic. We also consider the problem of decomposing \(\lambda K_n\) into isomorphic multistars and propose a conjecture about the decomposition of \(2K_n\) into isomorphic multistars.