Spanning Trees with a Bounded Number of Leaves in a Claw-Free Graph

Mikio Kano1, Aung Kyaw2, Haruhide Matsuda3, Kenta Ozeki4, Akira Saito5, Tomoki Yamashita6
1Department of Computer and Information Sciences Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Ibaraki, 316-8511, Japan
2Department of Mathematics East Yangon University, Yangon, Myanmar
3 Department of Mathematics, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Fukasaku, Minuma-ku, Saitama 337-8570, Japan
4National Institute of Informatics, Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan
5Department of Computer Science and System Analysis Nihon University, Sakurajosui, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo, 156-8550, Japan
6College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kitasato University, Kitasato, Minami-ku, Sagamihara 252-0373, Japan


For a graph \(H\) and an integer \(k \geq 2\), let \(\sigma_k(H)\) denote the minimum degree sum of \(k\) independent vertices of \(H\). We prove that if a connected claw-free graph \(G\) satisfies \(\sigma_{k+1}(G) \geq |G| – k\), then \(G\) has a spanning tree with at most \(k\) leaves. We also show that the bound \(|G| – k\) is sharp and discuss the maximum degree of the required spanning trees.