On Cliques and Forcing \(m\)-Convexity Numbers of Graphs

Napoleon A.Gaquing,Jr.1, Sergio R.Canoy,Jr.1
1Department of Mathematics College of Science and Mathematics Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology 9200 Higan City, Philippines


This paper introduces the concepts of forcing \(m\)-convexity number and forcing clique number of a graph. We show that the forcing \(m\)-convexity numbers of some Cartesian product and composition of graphs are related to the forcing clique numbers of the graphs. We also show that the forcing \(m\)-convexity number of the composition \(G[K_n]\), where \(G\) is a connected graph with no extreme vertex, is equal to the forcing \(m\)-convexity number of \(G\).