Fractal Sequences and Restricted Nim

Lionel Levine1
1Department of Mathematics University of California Berkeley, CA, 94720


The Grundy number of an impartial game \(G\) is the size of the unique Nim heap equal to \(G\). We introduce a new variant of Nim, Restricted Nim, which restricts the number of stones a player may remove from a heap in terms of the size of the heap. Certain classes of Restricted Nim are found to produce sequences of Grundy numbers with a self-similar fractal structure. Extending work of C. Kimberling, we obtain new characterizations of these “fractal sequences” and give a bijection between these sequences and certain upper-triangular arrays. As a special case, we obtain the game of Serial Nim, in which the Nim heaps are ordered from left to right, and players can move only in the leftmost nonempty heap.