\(L\)-Presheaves and Their Stalks

A.E. Radwan1, S.S. Hussien1
1Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


The main aim of this paper is to present the idea of \(L\)-presheaves on a topological space \(X\). Categorical properties of \(L\)-presheaves are studied. The nature of \(L\)-presheaves locally in the neighbourhood of some point is summarized. This aim required constructing the notions of category of \(L\)-sets, \(L\)-direct systems and their \(L\)-limits and \(L\)-functors with their \(L\)-natural transformations. We prove that the ”\(L\)-stalk” is an \(L\)-functor from the category of \(L\)-presheaves to the category of \(L\)-sets.