The well-known Mantel’s Theorem states that a graph on \(n\) vertices and \(m\) edges contains a triangle if \(m > \frac{n^2}{4}\). Nosal proved that every graph on \(m\) edges contains a triangle if the spectral radius \(\lambda_1 > \sqrt{m}\), which is a spectral analog of Mantel’s Theorem. Furthermore, by using Motzkin-Straus Inequality, Nikiforov sharpened Nosal’s result and characterized the extremal graphs when the equality holds. Our first contribution in this note is to give two new proofs of the spectral concise Mantel’s Theorem due to Nikiforov (without help of Motzkin-Straus Inequality). Nikiforov also obtained some results concerning the existence of consecutive cycles and spectral radius. Second, we prove a theorem concerning the existence of consecutive even cycles and spectral radius, which slightly improves a result of Nikiforov. At last, we focus on spectral radius inequalities. Hong proved his famous bound for spectral radius. Later, Hong, Shu, and Fang generalized Hong’s bound to connected graphs with given minimum degree. By using quite different techniques, Nikiforov proved Hong et al.’s bound for general graphs independently. In this note, we prove a new spectral inequality by applying the technique of Nikiforov. Our result extends Stanley’s spectral inequality.
1970-2025 CP (Manitoba, Canada) unless otherwise stated.