The Connected and Tree Domination Number of \(P(n,k)\) for \(k = 4,6,8\)

Zhao Chengye1,2, Yang Yuansheng2, Shi Lei2, Sun Linlin2
1College of Science, China Jiliang University Hangzhou , 310018, P. R. China
2Department of Computer Science, Dalian University of Technology Dalian, 116024, P. R. China


Let \(\gamma_c(G)\)be the connected domination number of \(G\) and \(\gamma_t(G)\) be the tree domination number of \(G\). In this paper, we study the connected domination number and tree domination of \(P(n,k)\), and show that \(\gamma_{tr}(P(n, 4)) = \gamma_c(P(n, 4)) = n-1\) for \(n \geq 17\), \(\gamma_{tr}(P(n, 6)) = \gamma_c(P(n, 6)) = n-1\) for \(n \geq 25\), and \(\gamma_{tr}(P(n,8)) = \gamma_c(P(n,8)) = n-1\) for \(n \geq 33\).