Explicit Constructions of Cyclic Packing and Their Related OOCs

Bichang Huang1,2, Yirong Zheng1,3
1Center for Discrete Mathematics, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, China.
2Department of Mathematics, Baise University, Baise 533000, China.
3School of Applied Mathematics, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China.


Since their desirable features, variable-weight optical orthogonal codes (VWOOCs) have found wide ranges of applications in various optical networks and systems. In recent years, optimal \(2\)-CP\((W, 1, Q; n)\)s are used to construct optimal VWOOCs. So far, some works have been done on optimal \(2\)-CP\((W, 1, Q; n)\)s with \(w_{\max} \leq 6\), where \(w_{\max} = \max\{w: w \in W\}\). As far as the authors are aware, little is known for explicit constructions of optimal \(2\)-CP\((W, 1, Q; n)\)s with \(w_{\max} \geq 7\) and \(|W| = 3\). In this paper, two explicit constructions of \(2\)-CP\((\{3, 4, 7\}, 1, Q; n)\)s are given, and two new infinite classes of optimal VWOOCs are obtained.