Resolvable Decompositions of \(\lambda K_n\) into the Union of Two \(2\)-Paths

Peter Danziger1, Eric Mendelsohn2, Gaetano Quattrocchi3
1Department of Mathematics Ryerson University Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 Canada
2Department of Mathematics University of Toronto Toronto, ON M5S 3G3 Canada
3Dipartimento di Matematica Universita di Catania Catania, Italia


We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a resolvable \(4\)-decomposition of \(AK_n\), in the case where \(H\) is one of the 10 graphs obtained by the union of two paths of length 2, with two possible exceptions. In particular, we complete the \(4\)-star (\(\lambda\)) and \(T\) (\(\tau\)) for higher \(\lambda\) and give complete solutions for resolvable decompositions into Fish (\(4\)-\(3\)), Mulinetto (\(hx\)) and Kites (\(BSI\)). In the cases of the Fish and Mulinetto the solution is obtained \(1\)-rotationally.