On \((K_4, K_4 – e)\)-Designs

Charles C.Lindner1, Mariusz Meszka2, Alex Rosa3
1Department of Mathematics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, U.S.A. 96849
2Faculty of Applied Mathematics, AGH University of Technology, Krakéw, Poland
3Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1


In \([5]\), the first author posed the problem of determining the spectrum of \((K_4, K_4 – e)\)-designs. In this article, we solve this problem, and also determine the spectrum of \((K_4, K_4 – e)\)-designs with exactly one \(K_4\) (or, equivalently, the spectrum of \((K_4 – e)\)-designs with a hole of size \(4\)). We also improve the bound for embedding a partial \(S(2,4,v)\) into a \((K_4, K_4 – e)\)-design given in \([5]\).