A New Class of \(2\)-Fold Perfect 4\)-Splitting Authentication Codes

Miao Liang1, Sufang Jiang2, Beiliang Du2
1Foundation Department, Suzhou Vocational University, Suzhou 215104, P.R. China
2Department of Mathematics, Soochow University (Suzhou University), Suzhou 215006, P.R. China


Restricted strong partially balanced \(t\)-designs were first formulated by Pei, Li, Wang, and Safavi-Naini in their investigation of authentication codes with arbitration. We recently proved that optimal splitting authentication codes that are multi-fold perfect against spoofing can be characterized in terms of restricted strong partially balanced \(t\)-designs. This article investigates the existence of optimal restricted strong partially balanced 2-designs, ORSPBD\((v, 2 \times 4, 1)\), and shows that there exists an ORSPBD\((v, 2 \times 4, 1)\) for even \(v\). As its application, we obtain a new infinite class of 2-fold perfect \(4\)-splitting authentication codes.