Spectral Invariants and Some Stable Properties of a Graph

Guidong Yu1, Rao Li2, Baohua Xing3
1 School of Math & Computation Sciences, Anging Normai College, Anging, Anhui 246011, P. R. China.
2Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of South Carolina Aiken, Aitken, SC 29801, USA,
3 School of Math & Computation Sciences, Anging Normai College, Anging, Anhui 246011, P. R. China,


For an integer \(k \geq 0\), a graphical property \(P\) is said to be \(k\)-stable if whenever \(G + uv\) has property \(P\) and \(d_G(u) + d_G(v) \geq k\), where \(uv \notin E(G)\), then \(G\) itself has property \(P\). In this note, we present spectral sufficient conditions for several stable properties of a graph.