Height Probabilities in the Abelian Sandpile Model on the Generalized Trees

Xiaoxia Wu1, Lianzhu Zhang2, Hawei Dong3, Chengfu Qin4
1School of Mathematics and Statistics, Minnan Normal University, Fujian 363000, China
2School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, Fujian 861005, China,
3Department of Mathematics, Minjiang University, Fujian 850108, China
4 Department of Mathematics, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Guangzi 530001, China


This paper deals with the Abelian sandpile model on the generalized trees with certain given boundary condition. Using a combinatorial method, we obtain the exact expressions for all single-site probabilities and some two-site joint probabilities. Also, we prove that the sites near the boundary have a different height probability from those away from it in bulk for the Bethe lattice with the boundary condition, which is the same as those results found by Grassberger and Manna [Some more sandpiles,” J.Phys.(France)\(51,1077-1098(1990)\)] and proved by Haiyan chen and Fuji Zhang [“Height probabilities in the Abelian sandpile on the generalized finite Bethe lattice” J. Math. Phys. \(54, 083503 (2013))\).