The Clique Behavior of Circulants With Three Small Jumps

F. Larrion1, M.A. Pizana2, R. Villarroel-Flores3
1Instituto de Matematicas, Universidad Naciona) Auténoma de México. México 04510 D.F. MEXICO
2Universidad Auténoma Metropolitana, Depto. de Ingenierfa Eléctrica. Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186. Col Vicentina. Del. Iztapalapa. México 09340 D.F, MEXICO
3Centro de Investigacién en MatemAticas, Universidad Auténoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Carr. Pachuca-Tulancingo km. 4.5, Pachuca 42184 Hgo. MEXICO


The clique graph \(K(G)\) of a graph \(G\) is the intersection graph of all its (maximal) cliques, and \(G\) is said to be clique divergent if the order of its \(n\)-th iterated clique graph \(K^n(G)\) tends to infinity with \(n\). In general, deciding whether a graph is clique divergent is not known to be computable. We characterize the dynamical behavior under the clique operator of circulant graphs of the form \(C_n(a, b, c)\) with \(0 < a < b < c < \frac{n}{3}\). Such a circulant is clique divergent if and only if it is not clique-Helly. Owing to the Dragan-Szwarcfiter Criterion to decide clique-Hellyness, our result implies that the clique divergence of these circulants can be decided in polynomial time. Our main difficulty was the case \(C_n(1, 2, 4)\), which is clique divergent but no previously known technique could be used to prove it.